Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Movie: A Family Story

This is an example of a family story movie that I would show my class before I required them to create a video to tell me a story they have written about their family! Enjoy!


  1. Wow, great job! Your parents story is so cool! I really liked it.

  2. I think that was so cut how you made your parent's marriage into a fairy tale. Definitely something that you go "ahhhhhhh" afterwards. Great Job!

  3. This movie made me realize i'm such a helpless romantic! It was so cute, I hope I have a story like that. I can tell you have cool parents!

  4. I love the music! This is such a great idea to have your students create one about their only family and background. I love the story of your parents too! so cute.

  5. Kristen,
    Such a cute story! I loved it. I didn't even know it was you until the end and I saw your picture. :) It was really cute.

  6. Such a cute story! I really like the idea of showing this video to your own students before having them do a story about their own family!

  7. I liked the way you used voice inflections well. It helped make the story interesting. The story was way cute too!

  8. This would be a good way to get students interested in telling personal stories. Really good job!

  9. Kristen,

    This was such a good idea. It helped me get to know you a little better. Excellent job. Your movie is very entertaining.

